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Q: How can startups leverage video in their marketing campaigns to drive sales?


Demonstrate to Drive Sales

“Rather than a paragraph describing your business in prose, include a video how-to or demonstration on your website homepage or landing page that prospective customers can watch to get a sense for your product or service. A video demo can be thirty seconds to five minutes in length, and can help the prospective customer envision themselves using your product, which can tip toward a sale.”
Doreen Bloch | CEO / Founder, Poshly Inc.

Lead Them to Water

“Leverage the power of an instructional animated video to demonstrate the value of your service/product. By writing a script from the customer’s point of view, you’re acknowledging the problem they are facing, and the solution (your service/product) to their problem. You lead them exactly to the purchasing promise land.”
Anthony Saladino | Co-Founder & CEO, Kitchen Cabinet Kings

Click Play and Capture Attention

“Attention spans are becoming less and less in today’s fast-paced “I want it now” world. Video is an excellent way to grab the attention of your customers, and keep them engaged. Use video to your advantage to communicate your call to action clearly and effectively, and to illustrate the benefits of what you’re selling.”
Matt Cheuvront | Founder, Proof Branding

Make Sure They “Get It”

“Just because you completely “get” your idea or concept doesn’t mean that everyone else will. Make sure that you completely break it down to a point that anyone who takes the time to watch your video understands what you’re about. If they don’t get it, they are not going to purchase.”
Ashley Bodi | co-founder, Business Beware

But Don’t Assume They Will

“Videos don’t always help, so this is one element companies should split test in their different materials. In some instances, it helps, and in some, it doesn’t. Let the figures speak for themselves, and don’t assume videos will help — find proof that they will.”
Nicolas Gremion | CEO,

Collect Their Testimonials

“Video testimonials are a compelling way to share how clients are using the product or service, as well as the benefits they derive from it.”
Lisa Nicole Bell | Founder/CEO, Inspired Life Media Group

Personalized Thank You’s

“Utilize video to reach out to your latest customers. Individually call them out and thank them personally for their purchase. This tactic will undoubtedly create brand advocates that will love to share the attention that you gave them.”
Logan Lenz | Founder / President, Endagon

Bump Up the SEO Value

“Videos are a fantastic way to boost SEO for small startups that may lack a large number of website links. People love to view a video that features a FAQ with the company founder, or the inspiration behind the startup. These are the videos that show off corporate culture and personality — what will really connect with viewers.”
John Hall | CEO, Digital Talent Agents

How Many Words Is a Video Worth?

“Pictures are worth 1,000 words, and one could make the argument that videos are worth 1,000 pictures. Creating valuable videos is not difficult and does not require any expensive cameras or editing. Just put your messages down on video and distribute them in various ways. Welcome new customers, give away tutorials, create customer testimonials and share them.”
Lucas Sommer | Founder CEO, Audimated

Don’t Over Think It!

“Just use it. It’s not that hard. Shoot video. Distribute it.”
Brent Beshore | Owner/CEO, AdVentures