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10 of the Best Marketplaces for Selling Products

Question: Name one great marketplace for people who want to launch side hustles selling their products or services. (Think Etsy, oDesk, etc.) for Side Jobs “I recently came across and love some of the functionality they included, like...

13 Powerful SEO Tools for Startups

Which SEO tools have been most helpful to your business Question by: Ashley SEOMoz for Everything “SEOMoz’s suite of products has essentially provided us the value of our own personal SEO consultant. We use their tools track keyword rankings, rate on-page...

11 Ways to Collect Customer Feedback

Question: What’s the best way to collect customer feedback on new products or services? Be the Customer “The best way to get first-hand customer feedback is to step into the shoes of the customer. Even if you’re selling a product of which...

Should Your Small Business Hire a Data Specialist?

Is a data specialist a worthy investment for your small business? Explain why or why not. 1. Try Out a Contract Basis For most businesses, hiring a data specialist full-time is probably too much investment in the skill set, but having a data specialist engage...