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12 Tips to Craft More Effective Copy for Your Startup

Content marketing is the marketing strategy du jour, but it’s hard to tell your business’ story honestly from the inside. What’s your most effective advice for entrepreneurs who want to write customer-facing copy that WORKS? 1. Write Like You Talk As advertising man...

How to Boost Holiday Sales

Q: What’s one way entrepreneurs and small- to mid-size businesses can ensure they increase sales during the holiday season? A: Get in Holiday Gift Guides For product-based businesses, holiday gift guides — online or in print — are invaluable. These gift guides...

12 Super Successful Facebook Marketing Strategies

What’s the ONE most amazingly successful thing you did on Facebook for your business that you would recommend? What results did you see? 1. Create Weekly Fan Albums Fans share pictures of themselves wearing Modify through email, Facebook messages, Twitter, Instagram...

Borrowing Startup Money from Family Members

Starting up with just the next big idea is just that: an idea. In reality, new businesses need money, usually more than that amount initially calculated alongside that very first draft of the business plan. And sometimes, those funds can come from family. However,...

15 Ways to Stay Resilient and Beat Failure

Entrepreneurs are known to be resilient people who fail fast and fail often. Where does your ability to get back up come from? 1. Know the Statistics Growing up, my dad told me, “Nine out of every ten businesses fail within the first five years…which means you have to...

15 Warning Signs Of Entrepreneurial Burnout

Question: What are some telltale signs that you’re starting to experience entrepreneurial burnout and need to hit the pause button? INPUT VS. OUTPUT “Are you working very hard and draining your batteries, but seeing very little concrete evidence of the time you’re...