What is one way to expand your client base in your neighborhood?
1. Speak at Local Events
Speaking has been one of the best way for me to grow my client base, both locally and internationally. How do you get started? Find events and businesses that you can partner with or present at, and reach out with a few potential speaking topics. Then make sure to have business cards and an email sign up form at your talk.
– Nathalie Lussier, Nathalie Lussier Media
2. Develop Strategic Referral Partners
Identify the individuals who are having triggering conversations with your potential clients, and invest the time to get to know them and the services they offer. Like most relationships, it needs to be a two-way street, but if you identify strategic referral partners whom you trust to also help your clients, it will pay incredible dividends both for your business and for your clients.
– Doug Bend, Bend Law Group, PC
3. Direct Mail Still Works!
It’s been said that direct mail is dead, but I do not agree with that at all. It may have caught a bad reputation over the last few years, but it is back with a vengeance now! A good strategic direct mail campaign is one that touches your potential customer six times, and is coordinated with other direct response methods such as calls, emails, or branded advertising. Don’t miss out on direct mail!
– Roger Bryan, RCBryan & Associates
4. Join Community Associations
People like buying from their neighbors and other people that they know. It’s a time-intensive approach, but just getting involved with the major community groups in your area — from the Chamber of Commerce to the homeowner’s association — helps build ties with your neighbors and will bring you business. Make sure that you’re selling something that makes a time-heavy strategy worthwhile.
– Thursday Bram, Hyper Modern Consulting
5. Start the Dialogue
Use your product to open the dialogue with people in your community. If possible, give away that product or samples. If you’re delivering an honest, purpose-driven service/product, the conversation should flow.
– David Cohen, Round Table Companies
6. Cold Emails Yield Results
Most people reject the idea that a cold email strategy can be useful, but I have found that with the right message, people can be quite receptive to taking a meeting.
– Garrett Neiman, CollegeSpring
7. Get Involved and Help Out
There are so many organizations in your backyard where you can help others in need, kids, build homes, etc. Not only do you get the chance to make a difference, but some of the people that you meet and connect with can boost your business. You don’t always have to go looking for clients; sometimes, it’s with the simple things you come across the best potential customers.
– Ashley Bodi, Business Beware
8. Time for Happy Hour!
Pick a day to host a happy hour in your office, and invite potential clients. Offer beer, soda and a few snacks to set the stage for good networking.
9. Partner With Local Businesses
Collaboration beats competition, especially when you’re small! Host a joint event with other local business owners so you can tap into their networks. It’s affordable, fun, and a great way to build deeper relationships with fellow entrepreneurs.
– Natalie MacNeil, She Takes on the World
10. Get Involved with Local Philanthropy
Support a local charity — not only with cash, but by getting actively involved in a way that gives your business exposure. Host an auction, a community BBQ, or even go fundraising door to door. Just make sure to include your brand. Example: “I’m Joe for ______ business down the street, We’re working with _____ charity to…” It’s a true win-win.
11. Showcase Your Work
Local business is all about relationships. Find fun ways to interact without creating a “salesy” environment. Create a neighborhood “show-off” event where you invite the community to experience all the great stuff your neighbors do. Showcases enable people to talk to each other — they inevitably lead to compliments and business opportunities.