It’s that time of year: The time to take a “Leadership Look Back” at the past year to see what eBook publications provided the greatest impact for people interested in leadership development, organizational health, and personal & professional growth.
Top 10 Leadership eBooks for 2011
Some of these eBooks from this Top 10 List will provide inspiration to keep a great leader going, while others will give that awful boss on the third floor some much-needed pointers.
1. Ask, Don’t Tell Leadership by Gary B. Cohen
This tome clues you in to the one change you need to make in your own behavior to create a more effective workplace. You’ll see the ripple effect, from how receptive your staff becomes to how easily you can delegate projects as you head on vacation. You will develop the ability to ask the right questions at the right times. Gary knows his stuff – he grew his company from two people to 2200.
2. Human Resources Management Course by ATG Educational
Are you still mulling over HR questions you should have put to bed months ago? This eBook will walk you through the process of resolving your HR issues. The tone is straightforward, and you’ll get what you need much faster than you’ll find it anywhere else.
3. 1001 Best Things Ever Said About Work by Ernie Zelinski
Do you lead large staff meetings? Do you publish a newsletter? Do you seek new conversation starters for your social media sites? Ernie’s book has hundreds of great quotes about work and everywhere we do it. Boost your staff and clients with a dose of positivity.
4. Best Management Quotations – Volume I by Ismael D. Tabije
Okay, let’s be honest. Sometimes, it’s not your staff or your clients who need the boost – it’s you. It’s lonely at the top, and these quotes can help remind you of why you’re there. They can also point you in the right direction to solve some of your nagging problems.
5. The Management of Communications by Allan Thain
If you’re new to management, this is one to check out. Allan covers communication from a leader’s perspective, and he specifically addresses those who are taking on more responsibility. This one makes a great gift. (See: Bob the Boss on the third floor.)
6. A Positive Attitude by Dan Auito
The real estate business has been difficult these last few years in the U.S. Dan’s eBook offers real-world advice on how to stay positive and focus on connecting with your customers during these troubled times.
7. Build an Engaged & Accountable Workplace by Dan H. Head
It’s easy to overlook Sleepy Sam in the corner of the office, but lost productivity from a lack of engagement costs American employers up to $370 billion per year. Dan tackles this topic by examining your engagement in the workplace to see what kind of example you’re setting; he then shows you how to implement the six factors of engagement in your office.
8. Let Your Knowledge Make Money for You – The Secret to Being a Successful Entrepreneur by David
You’re sitting on a gold mine right now, and you don’t even realize it. This eBook demonstrates how you can take that expertise sitting in your brain and use it to make money online. Break out of your everyday routine and expand your reputation as an expert beyond your workplace.
9. Bridging the Gap by Tim McCarthy
Tim, a business and social entrepreneur, makes the connection between being successful as a businessman and being successful as a person. This book will motivate you to become a catalyst for social change as you start or build your business.
10. The Business Leader’s Fitness Gap by Jean-Luc Boissonneault
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that this is also the time of year to start setting resolutions to get in shape. As a leader, it’s easy to justify your professional obligations as excuses to not work out. In reality, it’s important to remember that your position makes it more vital than ever that you take care of yourself. Jean-Luc will get you to do just that.
Whether you’re shopping for your favorite colleague or the boss you secretly hope will move to Siberia, you can’t go wrong with an eBook, especially when they are free. Giving a co-worker the opportunity to learn something new to take into the new year is invaluable, and who knows? You may get the biggest gift of all as they carry out their new ideas.