by forbes | Apr 24, 2013 | admin
To the dismay of many, we live in a society where Nicole Richie is a New York Times bestselling author. We live in a world where Flava Flav has published a book. Hell, this is a place where even Snooki from MTV’s “Jersey Shore” has books on the market. I’m here to...
by forbes | Sep 6, 2012 | admin
I don’t know everything. (I know, take a moment and sit down while you ponder this astonishing fact.) My staff doesn’t know everything, either. But put us together, and we can accomplish some amazing things. Here’s the truth: We leaders tend to stand in our own way a...
by forbes | Aug 13, 2012 | admin
In today’s fast-paced world, people enjoy finding time to connect with one another. Whether it’s to write a book or share recipes, communities provide spaces where similarly inclined people can connect. Socializing with people who share your enthusiasm for a subject...
by forbes | May 23, 2012 | YEC
We’ve all had days where we’ve walked out of the office vowing, “I’ll never set foot in there again!” Yet despite all our bluster, we come back the next day and muddle through our work — paychecks don’t grow on trees. But how would life be different if you never did...