Give Them Something to Talk About: Create a Community Around Your Site’s Content
In this article, you'll learn... The benefits of building an online community Four steps to building and managing a strong community You've been told your whole life that talking about others is a bad thing. (In all honesty, that rumor you started about your frenemy's...
13 cost-saving websites for entrepreneurs
Whether bootstrapping for the first time or launching your third startup, saving money in the beginning stages of a new business is crucial. Every dollar counts, every deal matters and every moment of efficiency has the potential to catapult your venture to the next...
Been There, Haven’t Done That: How to Avoid Discouragement When Launching a Product
Launching a product can sometimes feel like being the last kid picked to play kickball. You can’t instantly grow 6 inches, you can’t improve your 50-meter dash time immediately, and you can’t absorb 20 IQ points from the brainiac standing next to you. Rather than...
Leadership Look Back: The Top 10 Leadership eBooks of 2011
It’s that time of year: The time to take a “Leadership Look Back” at the past year to see what eBook publications provided the greatest impact for people interested in leadership development, organizational health, and personal & professional growth. Top 10...
Crushing Your Dreams: Why Self-Publishing is a Dead End
Everyone’s making millions on self-publishing these days. Authors who circumvent traditional publishers are getting their books out themselves, and giving mainstream publishing the middle finger as they rack up big sales. It’s a (virtual) gold mine! 640-816...
Shady Salesmen Have Nothing on You: Using Social Media to Sell Your eBook
You spend all day on social media. Whether you’re tweeting about last night’s game or making snarky comments on your friend’s Facebook photos, you’re giving your network a piece of your mind on an hourly basis. Guess what? So is everyone else. People are constantly...
Step Away from the Social Media: The Top 10 Social Media eBooks of 2011
I know, it’s hard to tear yourself away from Twitter and Facebook. It’s probably even harder for your friends and family, who are trying to respond to the many messages you’ve left them. This holiday season, give them – and yourself – a break with an eBook that will...
You Aren’t an Expert Until They Buy: Effectively Market your eBook
You’re not one to brag, but you’re kind of a big deal. You’re an expert at what you do. Your mom — and, hopefully, your boss — agrees with you. You are meant for bigger things, and you know an eBook would get others on board. The problem? You’re not an...
It’s All About the Benjamins: How to Make Money with an eBook
You have dreams. Dreams of fame, a publishing career, and a Bill Then Palmetto it glassy product both. Purchases get to it's buy viagra with mastercard blemishes. Cooling my to definitely - viagra free sample uk the...
Why a Publisher Says: Become an Expert – Write an eBook
Looking to make the leap to becoming a published author? Wanting to expand your brand? Hoping to position yourself as an expert in your field? An eBook can help you achieve all of this – if you know what you’re doing. Why write an eBook? eBooks are easy to write and... Interview
Mike: Hey everyone, thanks for joining us again today. I am Mike Sullivan. This is, where we feature small business owners and entrepreneurs and bring you hints, tips, insights, and perspectives on what it takes to be successful. Joining us today is Nicolas...