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How to Collect Customer Feedback

What's the best way to collect customer feedback on new products or services? A: Be the Customer The best way to get firsthand customer feedback is to step into the shoes of the customer. Even if you're selling a product of which you're not typically a user (e.g., a...

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Work With Family? 14 Tips for Success (and Sanity)

1. Keep Up the Clarity Have clear legal agreements in place from day one. Beyond the good practice of securing contracts, you'll have an impartial, non-family member reference point--should conflicts arise. --Kelly Azevedo, She's Got Systems 2. Hire Slowly, Fire...

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How to Know if Your New Hires Have Growth Potential

What one question should startup leaders ask early-stage hires to make sure there’s potential for growth?  No. 1: Can You Adapt? From Bhavin Parikh of Magoosh Ask for examples in which potential hires completed tasks of projects that were outside their comfort area or...

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Team Collaboration: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Teamwork is drilled into our heads from an early age. From joining Little League to completing school projects, we’re encouraged to get along with others. (Heck, our report cards even noted how well we got along with classmates!) As adults, we’re still led to believe...

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